175 Military Road Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0 613-347-2038

Engine and Exhaust

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When it Comes to Air Filters, Change is Good (Clogged Air Filter)

Engine air filters may not seem like a big deal, but when they’re clogged up with dirt, dust, and insects, your engine could wind up choking for air and not delivering you the power and performa...
Published on: Jul 23, 2023

It's (Not) Complicated (Engine Air Filter)

While many components of your vehicle are complex and composed of lots of mechanical and electrical parts, there's one that isn't complicated but still important.  It's your engine air filter. (...
Published on: Jul 09, 2023

Simple Answers from THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO: Engine Air Filter

Question: What’s the harm in putting off replacing my engine air filter a little longer?Answer:That’s a fair question from Lancaster drivers because the harm takes a while to manifest. Le...
Published on: Apr 19, 2020

Engine Air Filter Basics for Lancaster

Today in the THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO car care blog, we want to talk about your engine air filter. That’s the filter that cleans the air before it’s burned in your engine...
Published on: Jun 23, 2019

Engine Air Filter

Today we want to talk about your engine air filter.That's the filter that cleans the air before it's burned in your engine. Many people in Lancaster wonder how often they should change their...
Published on: Feb 24, 2019

Deep Breathing in Lancaster: Engine Air Filter

Your vehicle engine really needs clean air to operate efficiently: it takes about forty-five thousand litres of air to burn four litres of fuel in your vehicle engine. And all Lancaster...
Published on: Mar 26, 2017