175 Military Road Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0 613-347-2038

Engine and Exhaust

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Keeping Your Cool (Coolant leak repair)

If there’s one thing you should pay attention to with your vehicle, it’s the temperature gauge. It’s the one that may say C---H (that means “cold---hot”).  Or maybe ...
Published on: Jul 04, 2021

The Hot Switch (Coolant Vacuum Valve Switch)

When the weather gets cooler, you want the cabin of your vehicle to stay warm.  When you switch on the heat, you may find the air that comes out of the vents just isn't hot.  The problem co...
Published on: Mar 22, 2020

Simple Answers from THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO for Lancaster: Cooling System

Question: My engine never overheats. Why should I get a cooling system service in Lancaster? THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO Answer:That’s a really good question for Lancaster drivers to ask,...
Published on: Nov 10, 2019

Cooling System Service at THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO in Lancaster

Lancaster drivers often ask questions about the cooling system – the system that cools your vehicle engine and keeps it at the proper operating temperature. Let’s examine the top...
Published on: May 19, 2019


Your radiator hoses carry coolant between your engine and radiator. It’s an essential job. If a hose fails, you could lose your engine coolant which might lead to harmful overheating and very pr...
Published on: Apr 28, 2019

Advice on Your Cooling System from THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO

Last week I was out running errands in Lancaster and my temperature warning light came on - total panic! I pulled over and my car was overheating. After it cooled down, I went right in to the loc...
Published on: Feb 18, 2019

THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO Automotive Tips: Head Gasket

Hello Lancaster drivers, let’s talk about your head gasket. First, you have your engine block, a big hunk of metal that has the pistons and stuff in it. Then there is the cylinder head, wh...
Published on: Oct 29, 2017

THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO Automotive Tips: Cooling System Repairs

Most drivers know how vital the cooling system is: coolant/antifreeze circulates around the engine, absorbs heat, and then dissipates it in the radiator. Cooling system failure can cause ex...
Published on: Oct 01, 2017