175 Military Road Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0 613-347-2038

Steering and Suspension

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Shocks and Struts

Let's talk shocks and struts. Shock absorbers and struts last a long time and wear out pretty slowly for most vehicles in the Lancaster area. They're easy to take for granted, but your shocks and stru...
Published on: Aug 05, 2018

THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO Automotive Tips: Shocks & Struts Wear Factors

In straight forward terms, springs hold up the body of your car. There are several types of springs: coil, leaf, torsion bar, etc. Their vital job is the heavy lifting. Shocks and struts, on the othe...
Published on: Jan 21, 2018

Shocks and Struts

Let's talk shocks and struts.Shock absorbers and struts last a long time for Lancaster drivers and wear out pretty slowly for most vehicles. They're easy to take for granted, but your shocks and strut...
Published on: Sep 28, 2016