175 Military Road Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0 613-347-2038

Engine Air Filter Basics for Lancaster

Last Updated: Nov 18, 2019

Today in the THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO car care blog, we want to talk about your engine air filter. That’s the filter that cleans the air before it’s burned in your engine. Lancaster drivers wonder how often they should change their engine air filter. The simple answer is when it’s dirty. That’s a function of how much air has passed through the filter, so your car maker will recommend a distance interval for replacing the air filter. But you can imagine that how dirty the air is would affect how quickly the filter gets filled.

If you drive where there’s lots of dust, pollution or pollen, your engine air filter will get dirty more quickly and need to be changed sooner. That’s why we check the air filter with every full-service oil change at THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO. We can visually tell if the filter needs to be changed. Your filter can only hold so much dirt. Once the filter is full, dirt will pass through to the engine. This dirt gums up the combustion chamber and hurts fuel economy and may cause damage. It can also contaminate the Mass Air Flow Sensor which will affect drivability and can be fairly pricey to replace.

A dirty air filter would also restrict the amount of air that gets to the engine which hurts fuel economy. At THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO we can replace your engine air filter with one that matches the factory specifications or you can upgrade your filter for enhanced performance. So when your THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO service advisor shows you your dirty air filter, you know how vital it is to get it replaced.

Stop by or give us a call.

175 Military Road
Lancaster, Ontario K0C 1N0

At THOMAS & KELLY ST-PIERRE AUTOPRO we install quality NAPA replacement parts.